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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 220
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Chapter 220 "I queued for ages to get those prawns! Why should I let them have it?" Tiana said as got ready to walk over and bring the food over.

Sage stopped Tiana. "That's enough. Don't do such childish things." "How's that childish? If she wants something to eat, she can go get her own food. Why does she get to enjoy the fruits of our labor?" Sage found her comment amusing. After all, that phrase hit home. In her previous life, Ivy did not have any conflicts with her. She effortlessly replaced her and beclan's wife because of his feelings for Ivy. One could say she got it all handed to her on a silver platter.

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"Would you like to have those, Ms. Ford? I'll go get them for you!" Calvin volunteered enthusiastically.

Tiana had no choice but to give up on snatching the food back. "Thank you." "Don't mention it. It's no trouble at all." 'Sage, no wonder you used to be so bothered by her presence. She's very annoying," Tiana said after Calvin left. "Isn't this your first tmeeting her? How're you already so repulsed by her?" Sage inquired with amusement. Tiana responded, "The thing is... she's too good at playing the game. She's clearly doing things that make people uncomfortable. Yet, she manages to make men feel like she's the victim who's forgiving and all." Sage agreed with that wholeheartedly. Ivy was the kind of person who could stay calm and collected when she faced challenges and make everyone think that she was dignified and magnanimous.

"You were outstanding just now! You didn't even flinch when Ivy cto find lan. You even stoppedfrom starting a fight!" Tiana teased, "The old you would've flipped the table if you saw Ivy dining together with lan.

"I probably wouldn't have allowed them to get to that point," Sage brooded. Sage had a feeling that the old her would've driven Ivy away as soon as she showed up.

"Enough about Ivy. She can do whatever she wants. After all, it has nothing to do with me. Did Wilson explain why he didn't greet you yesterday after you got home?" Tiana shook her head. "He's so busy every day... There's no way he'd remember such a small thing. It's just like I said, there were too many people around, and he would have inconvenienced everyone if he stopped in his tracks." "Tiana, you're sharp as a tack. Why can't you see that there's a problem with the way you and your husband interact?" Şage asked.

"What's the problem?" Tiana smiled contentedly. "I know we aren't as lovey-dovey as other couples, but he's just like that. He doesn't care much about things outside of work. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to nab a high-value man like him." Sage was rendered speechless. People who were blinded by love sure did have their unique way of looking at things. She didn't want to push Tiana any further since she seemed content. “Look at you, all free to worry about my affairs now," Tiana teased. "By the way, thanks for remindingto get a gold bracelet for my mother-in-law last time.

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"When I accompanied her to visit our relatives the other day, someone complimented the bracelet's quality and said it fit her very well. She was so pleased that she gavea gold necklace when we got home!" However, she still nagged her to have a baby after that.

In her previous life, Tiana's mother-in-law did not treat her well, let alone give her jewelry. In this life, Wilson's first love didn't get transferred to his hospital, and his parents weren't giving Tiana such a hard time, which was a good change.

Sage felt slightly relieved.

After Calvin brought over smore food, the three of them had a good teating and chatting. The tflew by, and lan and Ivy were nowhere to be seen. As they were finishing up, Calvin's phone pinged. "lan senta message saying that he needed to handle spaperwork, so he went back to his room." Then, he said, "Mrs. Holcomb, Ms. Ford, I have to head back to prepare for dinner with my father now. Let's hang out together next time." X