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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 219
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Chapter 219 Sage turned to look at Ivy, who was dressed plainly and had minimal makeup. The smile on her face faded slightly as she had no intention of conversing with the woman.

Calvin was the one who responded instead. "Sorry, Ms. Shekdotter, but Mrs. Holcomb's friend is also here. Your presence might make her feel a little uncomfortable." Ivy looked at Tiana when she heard that. "Oh, you must be Mrs. Holcomb's friend. I was busy and hadn't been able to cdownstairs earlier to greet you. I apologize for that." Tiana had never met Ivy before, but she could guess who she was from her expression and Sage's reaction.

"Ms. Shekdotter? Oh, you must be Mr. Holcomb's subordinate. Don't you think the way you address people is a little funny? I mean, you're well aware that you have to address Sage as Mrs. Holcomb. Yet, you're calling Mr. Holcomb by his first name?" Tiana couldn't help but comment.

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Sage was aware that Tiana's remark would upset lan, but she couldn't care less and had no plans to stop Tiana. "Ms. Ford, you might not be aware of this, but Ms. Shekdotter and lan have known each other since they were teenagers. They are good friends, so she's used to calling him lan," Calvin explained.

Ivy's expression remained unchanged. “Ms. Ford is right. It was my oversight. I'll be more careful next time,” she said with a smile.

"Mr. Holcomb, are you free right now? I have something urgent to discuss with you." Ivy looked at lan calmly. Seeing the bags under her eyes, lan knew why she had been busy lately. He couldn't bring himself to send her away, so he said, "Sit down. We can talk while we eat." Ivy shook her head when she glanced at Sage, who was wearing a poker face. "It's alright. Let's talk like this. I'll leave as soon as I'm done, so you guys can carry on." "You shouldn't have chere and bothered us if you knew you would ruin everyone's mood.

11 Sage was annoyed by Ivy's pretentious behavior. She then turned to Tiana and said, “Let's move, Tiana. The air seems better over there." "Sure thing." Tiana stood up.

lan's gaze followed Sage, but she didn't even spare him a glance. Instead, she and Tiana took a seat at the farthest table from/Ivy.

Calvin hesitated for a moment before rising to his feet. "Ian, since you and Ms. Shekdotter have business to discuss, I'll leave you guys to it. I get a headache whenever you talk about work.' He hurried over to Sage and Tiana's table since lan didn't stop him. Ivy apologized to lan after the three of them left. "I'm so sorry, lan. I didn't mean to interrupt you guys." lan remained unfazed. “It's fine. Sit down and tellwhat's going on." Her stomach growled +15 DONUS as soon as she sat down. Ivy blushed in embarrassment.

"You haven't eaten?" he asked.

She nodded. “I was so busy that I forgot to eat.” "I know you're eager to succeed, but you don't need to push yourself so hard. You should forget about work now that you're here," he advised.

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Ivy smiled gently. "I don't think I'm pushing myself too hard. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do. Besides, I'm injured, and I can't be exposed to water at the moment, so I might as well work. By the way, about the project-" "It can wait. Eat first." "Alright." She touched her stomach and picked up her cutlery.

Tiana couldn't help but feel annoyed as she watched Ivy eat. "That woman's so shameless! She over. I thought she said she had business to knows she's not welchere, yet she still cam discuss with lan. Why is she helping herself to our food? We're the ones who brought them!"

"Ms. Ford, lan is only being polite to Ms. Shekdotter because he owes her and her father a favor. Pari and Ms. Shekdotter are basically bros," Calvin explained.

e However, deep down, he was also cursing lan. Why did that idiot allow Ivy to stay? It was as if he didn't m notice that Sage was unhappy. Even if work was important, couldn't he have asked Ivy to get back to him later? The atmosphere had been wonderful just now. Sage even ate the shrimp he fed her. With a bit more effort, he would've been able to win her over.

"She doesn't seem like she's just Mr. Holcomb's friend," Tiana grumbled. “She's more like two-faced bitch." Sage chuckled inwardly. Indeed, she wasn't just lan's friend. In her previous life, Ivy had gradually won lan over with her gentleness.

"No! We can't just sit here and do nothing!" Tiana abruptly stood up.

Sage looked at her. "What are you planning this time?" X