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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 208
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Chapter 208 Sage assumed Wanda had encountered sdifficulties, so she comforted her, "Do tellif there's something I could help you with." The middle-aged woman immediately shook her head. "Oh, no. It's nothing." "Alright, then." Sage then took a sip of the soup Wanda had prepared.

"Mrs. Holcomb, did you get into an argument with Mr. Holcomb?" Wanda asked.

Sage took another sip of the soup and responded, "It's nothing serious-just a little disagreement." the All she had done was let off ssteam. Ian, on the other hand, had barely reacted.

"Mrs. Holcomb, I believe Mr. Holcomb is worried about you. He specifically askedto make this soup for you. He said you'd drink it when you returned," Wanda continued.

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Sage lost her appetite in an She wondered what lan was playing at. After all, she had just called him out. So why was he going through all this trouble? Sage returned to her room after dinner. After she did so, she received a message from Shane.

"Ms. Joyner, you were way out of line today. Don't forget that you still owea meat" Sage was baffled.

"Haven't you had enough, Mr. Morrison? This isn't the first tyou've usedas your human shield. I can't believe you still have the nerve to mention that I owe you a meal." Shane wasted no tand called her.

Seeing his non her phone's screen, Sage scoffed and accepted the call. "What do you want? Are you trying to start something?" Sage snapped.

"Tsk, what's gotten your panties in a bunch? You almost made my ears bleed,” he grumbled. Is this how you speak to lan in private as well? Is that why he's dumping you?" She couldn't be bothered to correct him anymore. "What do you want, Mr. Morrison? Please don't tellyou're just here to stick your nose into my relationship. You're makingwonder if you have a crush on him." "Eww!" Shane was visibly disgusted. “I'm not as blind as you!" The pair exchanged a few more barbs before Shane got down to business.

"Didn't you mention that you wanted to market CureX's medication? I had someone draft a proposal, so please take a look at it. Let's nail down the specifics by next week." +15 BONUS "Sure, just send it over." Sage was about to boot up her laptop when she noticed lan standing by the door. She had no. idea when he had arrived. His face was as stoic as ever, and his dark eyes were unreadable.

Sage's brows were knitted as she asked, "What is it?" lan pursed his lips and walked toward the stairs without saying a word.

"Weirdo," she thought to herself.

Sage shut the door, booted up her laptop, and started going through the proposal. She felt sore and stiff when she was done. Hence, she shut her laptop and decided to go downstairs to ask Wanda to help her apply the ointment. However, when she opened the door, she found lan about to do the same.

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It was strange because she had made herself crystal clear. Knowing lan, he shouldn't have cto her room again.

'Are you here to retrieve something?" she asked.

lan didn't respond. Instead, he reached out and took the ointment in her hand when he noticed it.

Sage frowned. "What are you doing?"

"Wanda's asleep, and she's not strong enough. If you want to get better sooner, lie er, lie down walked into her room and said coldly, "Like you said, I'm just upset that you're not paying attention toanymore. I'm not interested in you whatsoever." Sage was at a loss for words. He might not have been interested in her emotionally, but the way he kissed her in the kitchen last tdidn't seem like he wasn't interested in her body.

He seemed distant, and his eyes were as icy as ever He looked like he was just here to complete a task out of obligation.

Unable to help herself, she blurted out, "Do you men think it's perfectly normal to have sex without strings attached?" X