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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101 Priscilla could guess why Sage was feeling blue. Hence, she nodded without hesitation. Alright, let's drink to our heart's content!” The girls sat in a corner, sipping their wine. The banquet hall, which had been bustling with activity just a moment ago, only had a few employees cleaning up now. This made them look lonely.

Priscilla couldn't help but feel bad for Sage, who was struggling to keep her tears at bay. “If you want to cry, Sage, just let it out. Don’t hold it in.” Sage, who was clutching the wine bottle to her bosom, shed a few tears as soon as she heard.


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Priscilla found Sage’s demeanor both beautiful and pitiable. How could lan leave behind his stunning wife and rush to the hospital with another woman in his arms? “It's getting late, Sage. Letdrive you home,” she offered after finishing her bottle.

Sage obediently accepted, allowing Priscilla to help her into the car.

“Do you want to crash at my place for the night, Sage? I'll have someone get you htomorrow,” Priscilla asked from the driver's seat.

“Thanks, Priscilla, but that won't be necessary.” All of a sudden, Sage sat up straight. Even though her eyes were still glassy, she did not appear as sad as she was before.

“Get the company’s PR department ready to reach out to several platforms and influencers. We might need them later,” she continued.

Realization dawned on Priscilla after she heard that. The pieces started falling into place, a her eyes widened.

“Sage, you don’t mean... But I'm afraid there will be harmful rumors if word gets out. Wouldn't that be bad?” B Sage scoffed. “I don’t mind. All | care about is the moolah.” Priscilla squeezed her slender shoulder. “Alright, I'll go along with your plans.” Meanwhile, Ivy was still out cold, having sustained injuries to her head and arm from the chandelier. Her wounds had been cleaned and stitched up, but the condition of her head would have to be confirmed after she woke up.

Several other guests also sustained minor injuries and were treated at the shospital.

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lan sat in the corridor while Terry updated him on the situation. “The hotel said that the chandelier was cleaned and replaced yesterday. However, a staff member messed up, causing +15 BONUS the wires to snap. The hotel promised to cforward and apologize and to bear all responsibility. I've also appeased the injured guests and arranged for them to be taken home.” “Alright.” lan massaged his temples.

“Mr. Holcomb, you must be tired from dealing with the board. Why don’t you head hand get srest? I'll have someone notify you when Ms. Shekdotter regains consciousness.” All of a sudden, lan remembered something. “Has Sage gone home?” Terry hesitated. “I've been too caught up with the guests. I did not keep track of Mrs. Holcomb’s whereabouts.

Letcall Wanda and find out.” In no time, he learned that Sage had already returned hand was fast asleep.

lan heard their conversation and rolled his eyes.

“Seriously? | can’t believe she didn’t even bother to check in withand just went hto hit the hay after what happened tonight.” He snorted: “Get the driver to pickup. “Mr. Holcomb! Mrs. Holcomb, she...” Terry gasped just as lan was about to leave.