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A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55
After making out with Jake, we head outside to find a cab. The air is chilly, but that’s alright. Jake’s warm arms are still around
me, refusing to let go. It’s perfect. He is so warm that I don’t even want to use my own legs anyway. I could stay like this forever,
clinging to him like a koala.
“You’re so warm...” I mutter against his neck. “And you smell nice.”
Jake chuckles. “Are you drunk?”
“No... what makes you think that?”
“You’re just so filled with compliments today. It’s a little bit suspicious, is all. But hey, I’m not complaining about it.’
“You better not. I had to work up a lot of courage to say it...” I giggle. “Or perhaps,
I’m not as sober as I think I am.”
“That’s probably the case.”
“Hey, that’s mean!”
Suddenly, I hear a chuckle from our side that doesn’t belong to Jake. “I’m glad you two found each other. It was about damn
Jake and I both turn our heads and see Nathan grinning at us. His cab is probably about to arrive, and it’s probably time. Alice
looks done for tonight. Her head is resting on his shoulder, and her dark hair is spilling out in every direction.
I smile at the image. I’ve always found Alice and Nathan’s relationship interesting. He used to be her bully, but today, he acts like
her sweet, large bodyguard.
“You heading home?” Jake asks.

“Yeah, we are heading home,” Nathan confirms, then strokes Alice’s back with a fond expression. She looks like a frontside.
backpack on her huge husband’s frame. She stirs a little in her sleep, and my heart melts a little when Nathan holds her closer to

“You’re so cold...” Nathan mumbles. “But don’t worry, we will get you home quickly.”
“Aw, Alice...” I say. “Is she not feeling well?”
Nathan meets my eyes. “She hasn’t shown any signs of nausea. I think she will be perfectly fine by tomorrow. But yes, my baby
definitely had too much alcohol tonight. I’m shocked that she hasn’t puked by the amount yet.”
Jake snorts, but it’s not mean; it’s one out of concern. “Is she still conscious?”
An amused smile curves Nathan’s lips. “Yes, Alice just got sleepy from the buzz and is now busy snoring,” he tightens his hold
on his wife, hugging her like she is the most precious thing in the world. “Sometimes, this little one forgets she is a lightweight,
and it’s been forever since we had time on our own, so she had a little too much fun tonight. No big deal. I just have to take her
out more often.”
“Oh, definitely,” I say. “Tonight was fun.” It really was. I had flashbacks from our college. days tonight, and I definitely want to
hang out again.
“It was a lot of fun,” Nathan kisses Alice’s forehead just as the cab arrives. An exasperated sigh leaves Nathan’s lips. ” Finally!
We have been waiting forever for that cab!”
Jake chuckles. “Have a good night!”
“You too!” Nathan gives us one last glance back. “Have a good night, and don’t hesitate to give us a call if you want to hang out,”
he aims a wink at me. “Doubledating would be fun. Alice has been complaining that she misses you, Winnie. You live far away,
but you should know you’re always welcome to stay at our place. We might have a million kids, but there is also a guest
His words warm my heart. “Thank you. I will definitely visit soon.”
“Alice would like that a lot. She thinks you don’t want to hang with her because she has. children and that you find her uncool
and annoying now that she is a mom.”
“That’s not true!” I exclaim. “I just... I just don’t have the money to travel.”.

“I wouldn’t mind paying for your flight ticket if it means making my wife happy,’ Nathan says. “Ask me next time, and don’t feel
bad about it. We are rich.”

“I will definitely make use of that!”
Nathan leaves, and I look at Jake. His arms. are still around me, which is good. It’s cold outside, but his body is like a furnace. I
shudder a little, and his expression grows concerned.
“You want to head home?” Jake grimaces at his choice of words. “Sorry... to my apartment, I mean?”
“That would be nice,” I yawn and wrap my arms tighter around his neck. It feels like the most natural thing to do. “You don’t mind
carrying me to a cab, do you?”
He breathes a laugh in my ear. “I can’t be worse than Nathan, can I?”
“You’re not worse than Nathan. I raised all of you hockey guys, and I know for a fact that you’re all good guys. No one is worse
than the other.”
“Raised us?” Jake questions with a paling face. “I’m sorry to burst your bubble, sweetheart, but you’re younger than me.”
“Yet I see myself as your mother sometimes. “I don’t. But yeah, I kind of did in the past.
All the hockey guys were like my children. My very big children.
“Eew, don’t say that!” Jake sounds horrified. “You can’t give me a love confession and then say you see yourself as my mother,
Winnie! That is sickening! You’ve watched too much Game Of Thrones.”
“House Of The Dragon.” I correct. I love that show, but yeah, there is a lot of incest.
“Still...” he grimaces. “You sicken me with your words. It’s not even funny.”
“A little funny.” I’m laughing inwardly. I agree with Jake and find this topic sickening, but I like messing with him.
“Not even a little.”
I would be laughing at Jake’s disgusted tone, but I’m too exhausted. I want a bed and a cozy blanket.

I don’t know how but the cold air makes me even more tired. It should be the other way around; the fact that I’m freezing should
make it hard to sleep, yet my eyes are already close to fluttering shut.
Jake squeezes me. “Someone is a sleepyhead.
“Mhm, damn right I am...” Staying awake is becoming harder and harder.
“You’re fine with sharing the same bed, right?”
A tired laugh escapes me. “Do I get to touch your abs?”
Now it’s Jake’s turn to laugh. “You must be tired to say that out loud. That or the alcohol is finally hitting your brain.”
“Or maybe I’m tired of pretending you’re not sexy and basically walking sex on a stick? “I challenge.
“I like that answer,” he kisses my cheek, and his warm breath hits my ear in a way that curls my toes. “Let’s head home, and yes,
I will let you touch my abs.”