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A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 40
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Chapter 40
I hear the door open as I’m lounging in the living room. Seconds later, I hear Tobias enter the hallway. I know it’s him from how
he moves, and awareness prickles over my skin.
Why did he come home?
I turn around my place on the couch, looking up at the big body silhouetted in the bright sunlight coming. in through the window.
Once Tobias’s face comes into view, a stab of attraction pierces me at the sight. of him, and my smile grows wide.
“You’re back home.”
He comes over to sit beside me, concern in his eyes. “Dora told me you were having a shitty day.”
I pout. “I told Dora to tell you to stay at work...”
“Oh,” a hint of an amused smile graces his lips, and he reaches out to set my hair behind my ear. “Don’t you want me here?”
I sit still as Tobias brushes even more of my blonde hair to the other side of my shoulder. I can’t help but stare at his thick neck
and the broad shoulders underneath his shirt. He spends a lot of time working out, and I have a hard time keeping my paws off
But it’s not only his physical traits that turn me into goo. Tobias left work and came home for my sake, even though he had an
important meeting later with a potential new partner. He sacrificed making a good impression on them to go home.
I wet my lips, asking carefully, “Didn’t you have a meeting today?”
“My uncle will handle it,” Tobias smiles. “But back to the question, aren’t you happy that your husband is home?”
His look tells me he knows exactly how much I like that he is home with me. I’m just... hormonal and
“Of course, I love that you’re home!” it feels like I might tear up again. I can’t believe Tobias left work for my sake. “But it might be
bad for you to spend time around me...”

Tobias looks surprised like he has no clue what I’m talking about. “Wait... why? Why would it be bad for
“Because I’m sad and happy, and just...” I shed a tear and then laugh at how weird I’m behaving. My eyesight is clouded, and
my face is wet already. “What is wrong with me?”
“Oh, Hannah...” Tobias embraces me, and I fall against his chest. His fingers are on the back of my head, brushing through my
hair while he kisses my forehead. “Nothing is wrong with you. Absolutely nothing. You’re my perfect, beautiful wife, and I’m
happy I could sneak away from that boring meeting.”
“You think I want to sit and listen to old men fart when my wife is this close to giving birth?” Tobias makes an irritated “pfft” sound
and tightens his hold on me. “I was only going to work this week, then let my uncle take over for a while.”
I brighten up at that. “You will be home with me?”
“Mhm, so I can tend to each one of your needs,” Tobias teases in a whisper and slides a hand underneath.
clothes. He is now gently massaging my back. “Backrubs, foot massages, pizza for breakfast... anything for my pretty pregnant
I snort. “Pizza for breakfast?”

“Don’t pretend you wouldn’t love that,” Tobias murmurs. “Salami has been one of your cravings.”
“That and cake...” I shudder when he rolls his thumbs below the band of my bra. I’m sore there. “Would you even eat pizza,
“I can get a chicken salad.”
He really won’t get a pizza? “I thought you would get fat with me during my pregnancy. Isn’t that what you said? You would eat
my cravings with me, and we would be two blobs together.”

Tobias chuckles. “I’m sorry that I like to stay fit for my wife,” he kisses my forehead one last time before pulling away. “I can cheat
now and then, but I rather eat from the cake than eat pizza.”
A guilty inhale leaves my lips, but I quickly shut my lips. The harm, however, is already done.
“You ate it all, didn’t you?” Tobias laughs, and I stare up into his handsome face. He has long, dark lashes feathered around his
green, amused eyes.
Lust sweeps across my skin. I want Tobias even when he is teasing me, and I give him a short nod. It makes his smile widen,
and another craving overwhelms me when he places a hand on my cheek, gently sweeping his thumb over my skin.
“I can’t believe you ate the entire cake...”
“It was a chocolate one-what did you expect?”
He is smiling so hard that his dimples are showing. It takes my heart by storm. His smile and the amusement. I want him
desperately. I place a hand on his chest and wonder if the pull will ever stop.
More than half a year married, and this man still makes my heart race. Every day I feel like that lucky girl in high school who has
the privilege of dating her wonderboy crush.
“Tobias,” I whisper. “Have the gardeners gone home yet?”
“No, they are still outside, but I don’t see why that would matter?” He has laced seduction into his words.” We could give them a
I stare at him. “W-what? No. We shouldn’t.”
His eyes glimmer with mischief. “Sure, we can,” he brushes his thumb over my lower lip. “A little harmless kissing hasn’t hurt
Damn Tobias and his husky, amazing voice. He might have told us to settle for kissing, but my thoughts. aren’t quite that
innocent. It’s impossible not to imagine my husband naked.
I reach for the button of his shirt, but Tobias grabs my hand and keeps me from undressing him with a smirk. He is far more in
control than I am.

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That’s why I don’t move as he cups the back of my head, angling my chin up so he can gaze down at me with hooded eyes. His
warm breath tingles over my skin, and I feel butterflies before he even kisses me. I swallow so hard he must hear the click of my
I’m nervous and counting the seconds before Tobias finally closes his mouth over mine.
The moment our lips touch, I’m floating on pink clouds. I’m weightless, and Tobias’s hand lets go of my wrist, allowing me to feei
up his chest while his tongue dominates mine.
His mouth is ruthless, playful, and teasing, yet in perfect control. I can safely say his kisses are a
reflection of his personality. Gentle one second and in full commanding power the next.
I whimper and soften in my seat. I’m so into the kiss I don’t notice I’m lying on the couch before I feel Tobias’s hands gently
squeezing my breasts through my bra.
He is on all fours, keeping himself above my stomach not to crush me. Heat pools between my legs, and Tobias’s lips move to

my neck, planting plenty of kisses there while he works to remove my shirt.
“Tobias... we shouldn’t...” my breath doesn’t sound convincing to my own ears. “Not here...”
“The gardeners shouldn’t come inside anyway. They have no business here, and this is my home-I’m allowed to take my wife in
any room that I want... wouldn’t you agree?”
I shudder at the ferocious need in his voice, and Tobias sucks on my neck before moving down to my bare breasts. He kisses
around my areolas, making my pulse throb against my neck like a drum.
If Tobias was a flavor, it would be possessive, sinfully rich, and hot.
“I love it when you play with my breast...” my voice comes out all desperate, but I’m too turned on to feel embarrassed.
My head is spinning, and I let out a little gasp when I feel Tobias tugging down my pants. He is still fully clothed while I’m naked
on the couch, with an almost painful throbbing between my legs.
I’m so grateful when Tobias latches on to suck on my clit. His tongue feels amazing, and his fingers slide into my wetness. Fuck,
it feels so good! I’m hopelessly drowning in desire.

The way my heart flutters is addicting and Tobias eating me out is the hottest sight ever. His broad shoulders are such a turn-on
to watch, and I can’t help but thrust myself against his mouth.
It pushes him to be rougher with me, and I love that. I melt on the mattress as his lush tongue satisfies me and gives me
everything I need. I’m finally relaxing.
My body revels in Tobias’s hands that stroke over my thighs as if he can’t get enough of touching me..
The way he strokes me makes me feel sexy. I’m shuddering, melting further as he moves his tongue to my tender spot, and then
his lust-choked words fill the empty space in the room.
“Fuck work,” Tobias utters. “With you being this wet for me, this horny, from a little licking, I’m not going anywhere tomorrow.”
To add to his sales pitch, he presses his tongue against my clit while pushing his fingers deeper into my gushing pussy.
It feels amazing.
I moan, suddenly reminded of how strong, male, and ready he is. A grunt of satisfaction comes from deep within Tobias’s throat,
and I press urgently against him.
“I need you,” I breathe. “I’m going to... I’m going to...”
Tobias stops flicking his tongue to speak. “I want you to come all over my mouth-you can come on my
cock later.”
His words make something within me shatter. I blame my hormones for my lack of control, but I’m not complaining when an
intense wave of pleasure crashes over me.
I’m breathing hard while seeing stars. “Tobias... oh... ohhh...”
I’m hypersensitive between my legs, but I have this feeling I can climb another orgasm. It’s hard, though. I’m so sensitive I kind
of wish to pull away from Tobias, but he keeps me in place, continuing to torment me until more pleasure overwhelms me.
I scream from the pleasure and shake, and then I need to pull my legs away from him. “Okay... OKAY! That’s... that’s enough...”
Tobias chuckles and sits up, those eyes filled with mischief. “I love how horny you are while you’re pregnant. And how easy it is
to make you come. It’s sexy.”.

I glare at him. “Don’t call me easy.”
His half-grin is devious. “Would you say I’m wrong?”
My cheeks flush. Tobias is down on his fours again, hovering over me as if looking to kiss me again. “It’s a little embarrassing to
admit how much I want all the time-”
That hot, sexy mouth claims mine, silencing my words, and Tobias’s touch on my belly burns away all other thoughts. My
husband is the only thing on my mind, and after his earth-shattering kiss, he leans away an inch so that I can still feel his breath
when he speaks.
“I want you, only you,” he murmurs. “And so what if you want me all the time? That’s nothing to be embarrassed over. It’s a
compliment, and I’m the luckiest guy on earth.”