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A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 36
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Chapter 36


I’m restless, and I don’t know why. Tobias hasn’t answered his phone for two days. I know

he is busy. And yes, I know we are in different time zones, but I can’t help but worry.

Did something happen to him?

I have this terrible feeling in my gut. It churns and feels like a growing hole, making it

impossible to relax. Why won’t my husband answer his phone?! I want to tell him the good.

news, goddamn it!

My eyes water.

Tobias, I’m pregnant.

We will have twins.

My hand travels to my stomach in the night. I’m happy but also afraid of the darkness

enveloping me. It was a mistake to pick this room. I’m sleeping on the top floor, alone

without. a nightlight on.

It’s scary.

I wish Tobias was here…

Without him by my side, every sound got my heart pounding fast. Ugh. I should have put at

light on before I went to bed! I’m afraid of the dark. Though, when I fell asleep, the sun was


But it’s not anymore, and I’m not asleep.

My head is spinning too fast, but I know there is no point in staying awake. If I fall asleep,

maybe Tobias will have responded to my messages by the time I wake up?

I try to close my eyes and fall asleep by force, but then I hear something shatter

downstairs. It sounds like glass, and I bolt upright, eyes wide and my heart drumming too


Is it a robber?!

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I listen in silence and hear footsteps going up the stairs. Are they heading over here? Damn

it! Why did I let the butlers take a day off to have an after-work?! That was such a big


My eyes dart around the room. I can’t see anything in the darkness and decide the best

defense. is to hide under the blanket when I hear the door open to the bedroom.

They are here!


I close my eyes, freezing when I hear the robber click on the light. Then I wait for what feels

like an eternity before I hear rumbling laughter. It sounds very familiar.

“Hannah?” It’s Tobias. “What the heck are you doing? Why are you in a foster position under

the blanket?”

Is Tobias really back home?

I get rid of the blanket and peer up at my laughing husband. His brownish, blonde hair has

been cut. It’s longer at the top, and his dazzling teeth show in his smile.

My chest constricts.

I’ve missed Tobias so much that I’m close to tears from just seeing his face. He is so

beautiful wearing light jeans and a grey sweater that hugs his round pecs and broad

shoulders. His are lit, his smile is warm and inviting, and I sob.

“Tobias…” I whisper. “You… you’re home…”


“I am,” his lips quirk up higher. “I’m sorry for not answering the phone. I wanted to surprise

you, but it got pretty late, so I thought I would sneak into the bedroom so you could wake

up with me by your side. But that plan failed when I broke a vase downstairs.”

“You broke a vase?”

“Mhm, I was in too much of a hurry to see your face again.”

Oh, this sweet, sweet man.

I stand up from the bed and rush across the room with outstretched arms to hug the life out

of him.

“I’ve missed you so much!”

My arms wrap around Tobias immediately, and he laughs at my eagerness. “Someone is

clingy tonight.”



blame me?” I sound as offended as I feel. Of course, I’ve missed his ass! “You’ve been gone


Tobias’s smile is wide, and I press my face into his broad chest, inhaling his cologne. He has

a new one. This one smells like Christmas, and I rub myself against him, wanting it


on me.

Tobias snorts. “Missed you too.”

“I’ve missed you more… and damn… this sweater…” I say, sliding my hands over the hard

plates of his chest. He is a living wall of muscles. “I could get used to this look on you.”

“Don’t,” Tobias warns me. “When I’m with you, I want to be naked, not be stuck in clothes

that keep your hands away from me.”

I giggle and look up into his eyes while stroking his chest. “Is someone addicted to being


“Mhmm… I want your hands all over me…”

“If you want me to touch you…” I’m playing with his pec, weighing it in my palm. “Then I

bet you have no time touching little me, then?”

“There is always time for that…” Tobias’s voice has gone husky, and he shudders when I



We are almost glued together now. How fun.

I stroke Tobias’s hardened nipple through his sweater with my fingertip, smiling seductively.

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“Did you work out while you were gone?”

“I did.”

“I can tell… you’re so hard. Sexy. Big. Large. I’ve been dreaming about your face between

my legs and my thighs resting on your broad shoulders, Tobias.”

His eyes roam over my face, and his eyebrows are raised. I’m never this frisky over text, so

he must be shocked. “You have?”

“Uh-huh,” I smile wider. “I want you to eat me out… do you want to do that? Do you wish to

give me pleasure?”

“I think you know the answer to that,” Tobias growls and bends down to pick me up into his

arms. I laugh in surprise and let him take me back to the bed with his lips nipping at my

neck. ‘ I’ve missed you… so… fucking… much… I just… want… to… kiss you… everywhere.”

His kisses are sloppy and messy, and I laugh as I lean against the pillows with Tobias on my

breasts. “Stop! You’re going to kill my ladyboner by being a complete barbarian!”

“Kill it?” Tobias sounds amused and glances up at me while his hand buries between my

legs, finding my heat. “You’re gushing.”

I grimace. “Please don’t use that word.”


I snort. “Stop that! Those words are fucking disgusting!”

A challenge lights up in Tobias’s eyes, but he says nothing.

Instead, he dips down and latches his mouth on my clit. He licks and flicks it, sucking it

while moving his tongue. It feels wonderful, but then he takes a pause and ruins everything

by speaking.

“I’m going to insert my salami between your legs.”

“Oh my fucking god, just behave! Be sexy and not repulsive!”

He chuckles. “You may call me repulsive, but we both know you’re soaking wet right now,

Hannah. It must be my dirty words turning you on something terribly.”

I snort. “No, it’s not, but you can think that all you like…” I let my hand slide underneath his

sweater. “You’re harder than rock… like I remember you being ripped, but really?”

Tobias chuckles. “Why don’t we get naked in bed, and you can further explore me there?”

I laugh and beam up at him. “I like the idea of that.”

First sex, then I will announce that I’m pregnant-that’s the plan,