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A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 23
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Chapter 23


“Do you realize why I dragged you out here?” I whisper-yell at Tobias, who, infuriatingly

enough, holds his hands on his knees.

He also squats and beams at me, which is irritating. I want to finish my presentation with

the others. But how am I supposed to relax and practice my speech with Tobias around?!

“I don’t know… maybe you wanted a kiss?”

I stare at him. Is he serious right now?! Normally I would kill to kiss him, but that isn’t why I

dragged him out of the kitchen! Tobias was making me nervous, and he was also glaring at


“I didn’t drag you out here for a kiss!” I hiss at him but try to keep my volume down, so my

friends don’t hear me.

“Oh,” Tobias smirks. “More than that?”

I’m about to lose my temper, but Tobias doesn’t even seem to notice anything is wrong. He

comes closer, bends down to sink his fingers into my thighs, and hoists me up.

My eyes widen. Okay… that was pretty sexy.

“I’ve been wanting to do this all day… night… whatever…”

Tobias’s hot breath mingles with mine; he looks like he is about to kiss me. As I stare at his

handsome. face, he stares back, and I practically melt at the sight.

“Do that?” I ask. I sound all breathless and desperate, even to my own ears, but I can’t be

embarrassed. Not when Tobias looks at me like he wants to eat me with a spoon. His

emerald eyes. I could drown in them, and those lips? They are coming closer.

“Kiss you… pick you up… fuck you…”

My heart is pounding inside my chest, and my hands are stroking up a path from his broad

shoulders to the sides of his face. I like how he looks at me like he can’t take his eyes off


What was my name again?

“Yes to all of that…” I mumble, lost in the moment. “Take me.”

He breathes a laugh at my words. “See, I know what you needed… and I know what you


I shiver uncontrollably. I had forgotten how husky and delicious Tobias’s voice is when he

whispers. When he talks in that low voice, I swear I feel pulsations between my thighs. I

want to say something sexy back, but it just comes out as a little moan.

Not that I’m embarrassed. I mean, does it matter if I’m moaning? Tobias is staring at me like

he wishes to ravage me, and I can’t keep my hands to myself. I need to touch him!

I reach out and brush my fingers over his suit, opening it so I can see his pecs outlined in

his white shirt. So large. My impatient hands stroke the area, pausing when I feel his loud,

strong heartbeat further down.

“I want you,” Tobias says in a syrup-rich voice and leans in to kiss my neck. It feels so good,

especially when he drags his lips up my sensitive skin. “You’re so gorgeous, Hannah… and

so very dirty for wanting to do this when your friends are in the other room.”

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I don’t tell him this isn’t what I had in mind when I pulled him out of the kitchen. I’m too

busy trying not to rub my wet pussy against him. Not that I can. I’m still held by his arms

and pushed against the wall, and

we should probably get into the walk-in kitchen pantry.

“We should get in the pantry,” I whisper, aware of how hot and bothered I sound, but I don’t

give a damn.

“Scared of being found?” Tobias asks and kisses below my ear. His large hands are on my

back, and I look up toward the ceiling as he kisses my neck again and again.

“I don’t want to be heard… or found…” I admit.

“Ah, but you like the danger of them maybe finding out what is happening right now?”

I pause briefly and realize that’s exactly it!

My panties are soaked because Jenna and Xavier are just a wall away. If they walked out

here, they would find Tobias kissing me like there is no tomorrow. It’s sinful. His hands are

already cupping my pussy, and I’m close to groaning like an animal. I’m so fucking wet!

“Yes,” I breathe. “It’s exciting…”

He chuckles lowly. “Dirty girl.”

Tobias kisses my lips and then turns around, walking quickly toward the walk-in pantry as if

my weight doesn’t bother him in the slightest.

Once there, I’m set down while Tobias takes off his clothes at record speed, and when I’ve

peeled off my own, he looks at me like I’m a goddess sent from above.

“You’re so sexy,” he lifts me off my feet again and kisses me with a fierce, possessive

passion. He is taking pleasure today, and I love it. I want to be dominated, and I love it

when he nips at me. “I’m going to be fucking you hard back here while your friends are

wondering where you went. And you better be quiet, Hannah, or they will be able to hear

you moan while I pound into you.”

Oh, the dirty talk does it for me! I can feel the heat spreading in my body. I’m almost

hurting from not having Tobias inside of me.

“We shouldn’t,” I want him, but this is part of the game. Acting as if I don’t wish to have his

fat cock inside me. “It’s wrong…”

“Yet totally right,” he meets my eyes. “Do you need a safeword? Because you’re wet right

now,” his hand is there to spread my wetness between my thighs. “And I take it you do

actually want this. Or am I wrong? Tell me to back off, and I will…”

“No,” I whisper. “I do want this… my safeword will be pineapple…”

Amusement flashes across his face, and his teeth show. “What kind of weird safeword is


“I would never use it in bed.”

‘I suppose that’s true…” he smiles and leans in to kiss me again. It’s hot and heavy and

makes me tickle all over.

Goddamn, it’s beyond me how he manages to shock me with how good he is at kissing

every time…

I’m sweating in my skin, too turned on by this. Tobias presses me up against one of the

walls, and I bite my lip, holding back a moan. My legs wrap around his beautiful v-lines, and

the sheer strength in his body makes my pussy clench.

It’s shocking how badly I want his cock. Who cares about foreplay? I just want it in me. I’m

tempted to shove a hand between my legs, but it’s enough to press myself and rub against

his massive hard-on.

In the past, I barely even looked at cocks. I didn’t find them this sexy, but this is Tobias, and

I like him. I long for him and whimper when he shoves the head into my pussy. The little bit

of added force only

makes it hotter. I’m practically squirming as he inches into me while I’m stuck against the

wall with no means of escape.

So sexy.

I just know this is going to be explosive. I’m already jittery, and I wrap myself tighter around

Tobias and press against him until he fills me up to the hilt. So good….

I’m melting away, but Tobias got me. He pushes into me, in and out, and I’m shivering so

hard that it seems my whole body is shaking. Who else gets me this aroused? No one.

I cling to Tobias as he pounds into me, loving the feeling of his muscles underneath my

fingertips. I clench around his cock, and he groans and fucks me harder in response, just

how I want it.

I moan and close my eyes. “Talk dirty to me.”

“You will never be able to look your friends in the eye after this,” Tobias teases me. “Not

with the sounds you’re making.”

“Am I… loud?”

“Yes,” he kisses my neck, close to my ear, and then he whispers. “But I like it… love it,

actually… but your friends might be slightly horrified. Nothing you can do about that,

though. I won’t let you go. Your tight pussy is a little too good for that.”

Tobias speeds up his pace, and a split second later, he hits that delicious hot spot that got

me moaning. louder. I’m slightly horrified by the sounds I make. I worry I’m loud, but I can’t

do anything about it. Tobias. is kissing me, licking me, he got me pressed against the wall,

and his enormous cock fills me up so damn good.

“I won’t be able to take this for long…” I moan, and I sound absolutely tortured, probably

because I am. “It feels too good…”

I shudder, and Tobias hisses in my ear. “That’s alright… if it’s a quickie you want, it’s a

quickie you will get….

Our eyes meet in the dim light, and he looks so positively hungry that I make that needy

sound in my throat again. “Oh, Tobias…”

Immediately after saying his name, I feel the head of his cock thrust in deeper, and I push

against him. hard as I let him hit my magical spot. Everything in my body is turning tense.


I’ve never felt anything better. I’m in a state of bliss brought to me by his cock and his

enormous body that is keeping me suspended in the air. It’s so hot being against the wall

like this.

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I dig my nails into his smooth skin and squeeze my thighs around him in a silent request for


Perhaps I imagine it, but he feels bigger and harder than ever, and I’m so damn close.

“Harder, baby,” I manage to say. “Harder.”

Tobias gives another one of those animalistic growls before slamming his cock harder into

my aching, needy body. Each time he does it, it’s pure magic, and I moan with abandon.

Somehow the angle with me against the wall makes everything ten times better because he

somehow manages to rub against my clit every time he rocks into me.

Tobias must be enjoying it too. He is grunting and sweating, and all that frustration from not

having had sex yesterday makes him give it to me harder than ever. I guess I wasn’t the

only one who was desperately turned on, but it’s my pussy making obscene noises every

time he thrusts into me, and I can’t stop whimpering.

Sex with Tobias is just so damn good.

I gasp for air and wrap my arms tightly around his neck. The wall I’m leaning against is now

warm against my back, and I’m utterly sandwiched between it and Tobias’s body as he

pumps into me. I love it, maybe a bit too much. The world is spinning out of control.

“Tobias… I’m…”

His lips clamp down on mine, and that’s all it takes. The next time he thrusts, I come with a

choked cry. It gets swallowed by his lips, which is lucky since I would have screamed.

“Ahhh… oh my god…” I moan, and I moan, and I moan. My entire body is clenching and

convulsing with the sheer pleasure of my orgasm. It feels like a goddamn tornado. So

intense. So powerful.

Tobias makes a low sound in his throat, but he hasn’t stopped his pace yet. He is still

pumping into me. and keeps going until he comes after a few hard, deep thrusts later. My

pussy clenches around his cock, milking out every last drop of him inside of me.

Then, inhaling, he collapses against me, and the only reason I’m not crushed is that his arm

is leaning against the wall on my side.

I look up at his face, and I’m blown away by his beauty. He feels so perfect to me, especially

when he smiles.

“Your friends definitely heard something,” he teases me and presses his lips against my

cheek, whispering. “You’re loud.”

My face scalds, and I whisper. “How could I not be? That was… wow.”

He keeps the smile and sets me down on the ground. I can barely stand on my wobbly legs,

yet I somehow manage. Though, it saddens me that Tobias isn’t there to steady me.

Instead, he is finding our clothes.

He holds out my bra for me. “Here.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem,” he glances at the door, then back at me. “I’m going to head to bed. Come

and wake me if you need something,” he playfully winks at me. “Anything.”

I smile even though I doubt he would give me anything. Because the thing I would ask for?

It would be hist heart.