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A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 15
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Chapter 15


I think Hannah might be pissed at me. I’m not sure why, but our message conversation is…

hinting at it.

Pixie Spaz: So we are married.

Me: Yes?

Me: But obviously, it’s a contract marriage. Those papers you filled in yesterday, remember

those? They are for one solid year.

Pixie Spaz: I know, but… does this mean we aren’t allowed to date other people during this

agreement? Me: Are you feeling lonely, Hannah? Even after our morning together? Wasn’t it


Pixie Spaz: No, that’s not what I mean! I loved it. But I just want to know what we are to

each other.

Me: Married friends with benefits. Nothing less, nothing more. Even though the media has

been all over me since I remarried, I’m not interested in a relationship with a college

student. People can believe what they want just as long as I don’t dirty my conscience.

Pixie Spaz: By being together with a younger woman?

Me: Yes, sleeping with you is bad enough.

Pixie Spaz: So wait… you’re okay having sex with me, but dating me is where you draw the


Me: You make it sound so douchey, but yes. That’s not a problem, right? You’re just

attracted to me, not in love with me.

I stare at the screen, frowning.

Hannah never replied to me. It’s bothering me. I have this sinking feeling that she is mad at

me. But what the heck did I do wrong? And fuck, why do I even care?! I’m not her real

husband, goddamn it!

I angrily tap away on my laptop and don’t even look up when the door to my room opens.

Why did I even. install it? People are just freely wandering into my office either way.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Nice office, much larger than your old one.”

I look up from my screen. Daniel, my former best friend, is studying the paintings on the

wall. He is wearing a grey suit, and his hands are pulling at his beard. The hair around his

face makes him look older than me, but we are the same age. Childhood friends, actually.

“Daniel,” I can’t fight the venom bubbling up in my throat. We haven’t been on speaking

terms since he slept with my ex-wife. “What brings you here today?”

Daniel looks me over. “She didn’t cheat on you.”

I laugh. “Straight to the point like usual,” my lips are curled, but I’m guarded and pissed off.

“Is that why you’re here today? To claim that Sarah never slept with you while we were


He purses his lips. “Sarah and I have some problems, and things aren’t that smooth. It

started out great, but she always talks about you. All three of us are friends from college,

and I always had a crush on Sarah. I must admit that, but… it’s clear that she is still in love

with you.”


My chest constricts, but I won’t let myself get emotional. I narrow my eyes and dig them

into Daniel. Sarah betrayed me. She cheated on me and married my former best friend-

that’s not something you do if you love someone.”

“Sarah and I were talking… against her will. I was trying to pursue her because I knew how

busy you were with your career. She was lonely a lot. Sometimes she cried herself to sleep

because you chose to work late rather than come home to her, and I took advantage.”

“Yes, you’re an asshole-thank you for confirming that.”

Daniel carries in without being bothered by my remark. “We quickly became chatting

buddies, and Sarah was so lonely when you were working that she started telling me all of

her secrets,” he glances at me with. torn eyes. “I agree that talking to me wasn’t a great

move from your ex-wife, but Sarah never cheated on you. She just said that to see your

reaction, to make you… see her. To figure out if you even cared about. what she did. She

wasn’t thinking straight, Tobias. She made some huge, dramatic mistakes at the end, and

now she wants you back. We are getting divorced.”

I stare at him in disbelief. “Sarah never cheated on me?”

“No, you know how she is,” Daniel shrugs. “She speaks without a filter, says things, and

thinks later-she is young and naive. It’s a huge flaw, but… I still love her.”

“You love her, yet you’re here trying to play Cupid?” I shake my head, not knowing what to

think. “Don’t make me laugh, Daniel…”

Daniel laughs, but the sound is melancholy. “I’m not joking around, and I’m only here

because… even though Sarah doesn’t deserve it, I want her to be happy. And if that’s not

with me, then…” he shrugs, and that’s when I notice his eyes are filled with tears. “I just

want her to be happy, man.”

Regardless of everything that has happened, it pains me to see my former best friend so

sad. Daniel and I went through everything together as kids. He always had my back, but

this thing with Sarah has made me realize that we have grown apart.

I exhale heavily. “I don’t know what to say, Daniel. This is a lot to take in, and I’m unsure if I

believe you.” I’m not sure if I even care. This is too dramatic for me to deal with. I just want

to go home and take a long nap, preferably with a certain curvy blonde snuggled up to me.

“I understand that this is a lot to take in,” Daniel says, but I get the feeling he doesn’t give

a fuck about what I want. “But please, if Sarah asks to have dinner with you, just take her

up on her offer. Listen to what she has to say. It’s important.”

I resist the urge to throw him out of office. I could do that. I’m bigger than Daniel and, quite

frankly, pissed off enough to hurt him. Yet I remain calm and release my inner frustration by

squeezing my leg.

“I’m married to someone new,” my insides boil as I say those words because, technically,

Daniel is disrespecting my wife by coming here. He doesn’t know our marriage is a fraud.

“And I don’t think Hannah would appreciate it if I ate dinner with my ex-wife.”

“Oh please,” Daniel rolls his eyes, laughing a bit. “You and Hannah can’t be that in love

since you’ve never mentioned her before you married. And sure, she is beautiful, but she

isn’t Sarah.”

“You’re right,” I laugh in my chair because I know it will piss him off, and my lips curl into a

smirk. “Hannah isn’t Sarah, and thank god for that-this time, I didn’t marry a nutcase.”

Daniel gasps and looks ready to attack me. I witness the fury unleash in his eyes, and then

he moves, but I press the button underneath my table before he can lunge at me. My

guards come rushing in and grab him despite us being partners.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“What is the meaning of this?!” Daniel growls and digs his burning eyes into mine. He is

trying to fight. himself free from my guards, but he can’t fight two grown-ass men. So

instead, he barks at me. “Why did you send for your guards?”

Without a care in the world, I calmly sway to the left and right in my chair. “Were you or

were you not

going to lunge yourself at me right now, Mr. Henriksson?”

Daniel’s expression darkens, and I stifle a laugh when my two guards pull him to the door

without breaking into any sort of emotion. “Right this way, Mr. Henriksson.”

Daniel and the guards leave my office, and I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. Today

has been way too dramatic. Why can’t I ever catch a fucking break?

I look down at my phone, and my lips curl into a weak smile. Hannah has sent me another

message. Does this mean she isn’t mad at me anymore? I open her message, hoping it will

be calming.

Pixie Spaz: Okay, so… um. My friend’s apartment is on fire, and my other friend Caroline is

inside. Could you come here? I’m freaking out right now. The ambulance and the police are


I hold my breath, unsure if this is truly happening. Is Hannah’s friend’s apartment really on

fire? How?

Pixie Spaz: Caroline is still inside the apartment, and I’m scared! What if she is dead,

Tobias? What if she won’t make it out alive?

Pixie Spaz: Please call me…

I immediately stand up from my chair and rush toward the door without telling anyone

where I’m going. While walking, I dial Hannah’s number, but she isn’t picking up. It doesn’t

matter. I know where she is-1 can use my phone to find her location. My fingers get to work

while I storm forward.

“Mr. Ford?!” Samantha is shouting my name behind me, but I don’t have time to speak to


Adrenaline is gushing into my veins, and I can’t get into the elevator fast enough. I hope

Hannah is okay. She has to be, or I don’t know what I would do with myself.